Friday, April 24, 2009



Not all Special kids are priviledge to go to school these days. There are alot of special kids in the Philippines who wanted to go to a good school that can give them proper intervention and training . Cambridge School is one special school in Calamba city that is right now struggling to put up for the education of these special kids. A number of special children cannot go to school anymore due to the effect of worldwide crisis. Some of the teachers in our school have rendered voluntary work for a few months, and most of them could not sustain it because of personal needs.The core group which consists of five educators are committed to stay put to support these children even without remuneration.
Cambridge School is duly registered with government Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is recognized by the Department of Education (DEP ED) in the Philippines. It shall serve as a center fully devoted in meeting the needs of special students by granting them the fullest, effective possible training and educational opportunities.

Right now Cambridge needs support from individuals and groups who have a heart for these children. You can email us at

Should you wish to donate in cash for the education of these children please consider Cambridge bank account at ( Bank of the Philippine Islands) BPI Calamba Branch Account No. 8451002768.

Thank you and God bless you a hundredfolds.

- Cambridge Faculty and Staff